Popular fabric material that any Earthling must know. With high durability and being very suitable for tastes no matter how many years pass, Jean fabric is always at the forefront of fashion trends. However, keeping the new color of real denim clothes is always a difficult problem.
Vinegar will preserve the color of your pants as best as possible and during the first wash, it’s best not to use soap to best protect your pants.Sunlight is one of the main factors that cause clothes to fade quickly. Especially Vietnam, we are a tropical country. The sun is hot all year round (December is a little cool), and this factor causes clothes to fade faster. It’s best to dry in a dry place and less affected by sunlight.Jeans are one of the fabrics that are quite sensitive to color retention. Therefore, turn it inside out while washing and drying. One indispensable thing is to use laundry detergent with mild detergent so that your pants don’t fade too much. And absolutely do not use fabric softener on your beloved pants.